
Dec 31, 2007

For those on the West Coast... 

Greetings from the future, my friends! For that is where you and I will be spending the rest of our days...

Hopefully those days will be extra-terrestrial-grave-robber-free...


Want to wish a lawyer a Crappy New Year? 

Blackfive has the details, but in short, some gutless wonder keyed a deploying Marine's car to the tune of felony damages and thinks he can get away with it because he's an attorney. And this ain't his first rodeo - he has a history of douchebaggery. If nothing else, Jay R. Grodner is going to be Google-bombed to death so that everybody knows what a tool he is whenever they look up his law firm. I hope he gets crushed by a large, heavy object.

Dec 26, 2007

Ho Ho Heh 

Even though Doc published the order plenty early, it wasn't pushed to me until 1140 071226. Hafta talk to somebody in the adj shop about that...

Dec 23, 2007

Are you ready for Christmas? 

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Merry Christmas from Little D and the whole "the Marine" family!

Dec 21, 2007

Semper Fido 

On Wednesday, the Marine Corps finally announced Lex could go home to Lee's family. It is the first time the military has granted a dog early retirement to be adopted by someone other than a former handler.

"We knew that's what Dustin would have wanted out of this," said Jerome Lee, the slain Marine's father. "He knew that we would take care of Lex and love him, just like our own."

Dec 18, 2007

To Victory 

Yeah, so I'm a slacker. 18 days deep into December and this is only my second post of the month. Between work, visiting family and friends arriving and departing (of which there are still more to come) and spending most every waking moment at home with Little D (who is quickly becoming not little) I've been swamped. Oh, and happy belated blogiversary to me. It's been four years... holy crap... really? Four? Did you count twice? Check it again. Yeah... yeah... it's still coming up 4. Well, we can't turn back NOW... Press? Okay, we'll press...

Anyway, time is still in short supply for me, but I figured I'd drop in to say hello and to pass on this. Victor Davis Hanson is nothing short of genius and this article sheds the most revealing light yet on why the current fight in Iraq is not going poorly - the American people just expect too damn much.
An affluent, leisured society has adopted a therapeutic and managerial rather than tragic view of human experience—as if war should be controllable through proper counseling or a sound business plan. We take for granted our ability to talk on cell phones to someone in Cameroon or select from 500 cable channels; so too we expect Saddam instantly gone, Jeffersonian democracy up and running reliably, and the Iraqi economy growing like Dubai's in a few seasons. If not, then someone must be blamed for ignorance, malfeasance, or inhumanity.
As a huge military history buff, I knew of almost every example metioned (and there are many), but I'm sure that most other Americans don't. This piece is a hip-pocket lesson that probably ought to be required reading in every high school and college level American history course. But in a culture ever more focused on high comfort with low effort, I don't think that's going to happen... fifteen minutes of straining your eyes to read is no longer worth the knowledge that you'll retain for an entire lifetime. And therein lies the problem.

h/t Subsunk

Dec 3, 2007

My Christmas wish 

"In the annals of awesomeness, this shall be the standard against which all future awesomeness is measured."

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