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Dec 5, 2003
Drinking and Blogging
Mmmmmmmmm...... Jim Beam. It's not just for breakfast anymore. Hey, it's Friday - back off.
As some of you may have guessed, I often peruse blogs from work. This is because I have lots of time to waste in my current staff-weenie job. More about that later, if I feel like it...... or not. Anyway, one of the guys I work with is a bit of an odd duck. Good guy, just some things I'm not used to seeing in a Marine. For instance, he likes NPR. No, really....... he likes it. Now, I'll listen to NPR as background noise when I'm not really paying attention but this guy puts it on the radio every morning. I can handle this because the only other station we can pick up is a classic rock station with a tiny music library (I think they have like 5 mix-tapes on repeat). So there I was this morning listening to National Pravda Radio. On comes this story about the Democrat Mayor of Dallas, Laura Miller. Now, I don't know thing one about Laura Miller, nor do I care. I don't live in Dallas and don't plan to anytime soon. But the purpose of this whole thing is to tell you what I heard. I didn't catch the guy's name, but he's the former Chairman of the Texas Chapter of the DNC. I went to NPR.org to try to download a transcript of the show so I could give you the exact quote, but they want like $16 or something. Screw them. They ain't gettin' my money. So, they are talking to him about the fact that minorities are very upset with some of Mayor Miller's policies. I don't know what those policies are, or why they are upset - but apparently they are pissed for some reason. What comes out of this man's mouth leaves me speechless. As best I can remember, he said this: "Well, some minority groups are upset with the mayor for doing things that they perceive to be bad for their group. But it's obvious that the Mayor is doing what's best for them." Are you kidding me? "It's obvious that the mayor is doing what's best for them."? Of course, I can't adequately describe tone of voice in this format, but the guy came off sounding like a parent dealing with a spoiled child. He was only inches away from saying "shut up, and sit down, because we know better what's right for you than you do." This kind of leftist spew drives me nuts. This assclown all but came out and told the world that the Left is smarter about everyone than they are about themselves and they should just sit back and take it. Well, screw him! I have yet to find anyone that knows more about me than me. This is what they want, people. They want your votes, your jobs, your livelihoods. They want you to be so dependent on them that, not only will you not think for yourself anymore, you won't even want to. Leftists. Communists. Socialists. Democrats. These words are becoming interchangeable. On the one hand, I'm glad that the Cabinet of Clowns running for the Dem nomination are all trying to "out-Left" each other. They just look worse and worse. But on the other hand it scares me greatly, because if by some twist of fate any one of these types winds up running the show, we are in for a world of hurt. |