
Feb 2, 2004

Free pics! 

After witnessing the fallout of the whole Janet Jackson Super Bowl Halftime Show, where Justin Timberlake exposed her right breast, I was worried that my traffic might start sagging. I mean, I didn't have a blog when Britney kissed Madonna or when the Paris Hilton video hit the news. But now, I think it would be remiss of me to not take advantage of incidents involving "wardrobe malfunctions" and bare breasts. I don't see any reason I should overlook real live girls - some of them real live college girls - just because my blog has nothing to do with that sort of thing. So from now on you can expect the occasional post where nudity will be referenced, or topics such as the Pamela Anderson/Tommy Lee video will be discussed. Just sayin' 'sall.
Googlers - welcome to "From the Halls to the Shores." And if you came here looking for Pammy and Tommy Lee, you really need to get over that and find something newer...

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