
Mar 3, 2006

Whoa... look at the time... 

Now I know what you're gonna say… but just hear me out.

Yes, I got home two weeks ago. And yes, I put up TWO lousy miserable stinkin' posts in that time period. But now, I'm leaving. No really… I'm "leave"-ing. As in going on leave. WOOHOO!!

So maintain the standby to standby until I return, hopefully with batteries fully recharged, but more likely needing to take a vacation from my vacation. You see, this is big. All told, my lovely weef and I are looking at over ten thousand miles of travel (by both air and ground), through 6 different states, visiting two families, and collecting not only a vehicle, but two cats, one dog, a bird, and a large assortment of various stuff.

So, hang tight and I'll see ya when I see ya.


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