
Apr 24, 2006

Sgt. Peralta 

Marine Sgt. Rafael Peralta, who was killed in 2004 in Fallujah when he absorbed the blast of a handgrenade that could very well have wiped out his whole fireteam, was today recognized by the San Diego Police Department, and posthumously awarded a police badge. His mother was presented the police shield at a SDPD promotions and awards ceremony held at the Bob Hope Theater at MCAS Miramar. I have yet to find any news coverage of the event, but the base PAO was present and I assume there will be a story forthcoming from at least the Marine Times or USMC.mil.

Sgt. Peralta had expressed an interest in becoming a San Diego Police Officer after he got out of the Corps. The badge was presented by the police chief after taking about five minutes to convey how proud he was of Sgt. Peralta and stating that a man like the Sgt. would have been eagerly welcomed into the ranks of the SDPD.

This was the second award that the Peralta family accepted on the Sgt.'s behalf in the last week, after the state of Hawaii presented him - along with 47 other honorees - with the Hawai'i Medal of Honor on 18 April.

For more about Sgt. Rafael Peralta visit The Mudville Gazette, Blackfive, and USMC.mil.

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