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Sep 26, 2008
Burning down the house
I'm only linking this because the music is kickass... I swear. If there's some other hidden messages in there, I must be missing them... UPDATE: Thought that the biggest viral video in the land (over 1 million hits in 5 days) was shoved down the memory hole? Not so fast, mah littel fren. |
Dirty ChiComs still suck at tellings lies
You know, for a country that's followed the Stalinist template for lies and propaganda for almost 60 years, how can they still be so awful at this?Thu Sep 25, 9:20 AM ETI mean, good God, these guys suck at this game. Even their 12 year old Olympic gymnasts don't screw up this much when they copy each other's answers about Chairman Mao in their re-education camp. |
Sep 23, 2008
Oh dear sweet weeping Jesus
As a constant student of American history, the "unit rule" in American Presidential elections was something I was only recently and passingly acquainted with, by virtue of watching John Adams on HBO and seeing what happened when there was a tie in the electoral college in 1800 (eventually leading to the election of Thomas Jefferson). But on the show it was not well explained, and of course modern day life intrudes and you eventually forget about it and you don't bother to dig any deeper. Well, for being a short read, here's an article that digs pretty deep. And as a study in the American election process, I found it fascinating. That is, until I got to the last line. Which almost made my head explode. Have both oxygen and whiskey ready... you'll need 'em. |
Sep 20, 2008
The Change We Need
Sep 10, 2008
Know thy enemy
Nothing to say today that I haven't said said already. So here's a little multimedia. "War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want." - William Tecumseh Sherman |
Sep 9, 2008
My own horn, I toot it
Milbloggie nominations are up through midnight on the 10th (tomorrow!), and then the actual voting begins. Go forth, and do what you must... By which I mean stuff* the ballot box for yours truly. *requires a Military.com login so that may hamper actual stuffing |
Sep 7, 2008
Wait... what?
First Hillary, and now The One himself?“And I actually always thought of the military as an ennobling and, you know, honorable option. But keep in mind that I graduated in 1979. The Vietnam War had come to an end. We weren't engaged in an active military conflict at that point. And so, it's not an option that I ever decided to pursue.”Soooo... if there had been a shootin' war on Obama would have been signing up to be the first kid on his block to get a confirmed kill? Help me out here... |
For my Bro
Just goofing around today and recalled that we were talking about the 1st Motion Picture Unit when I was back home this last time. Well, here's their first product from 1942... which was apparently filmed in Bedford Falls... Enjoy. |
Sep 3, 2008
Pinkos for Palin?
Not if the Secret Service has anything to say about it... and they do.10:45 p.m. A pair of Code Pink activists just got to the very edge of the stage and were a moment away from apparently running on stage, right by the Kentucky slot on the floor next to a host of McCain's most senior staffers. Secret Service men grabbed them at last minute and literally dragged them out.While watching C-Span coverage of the RNC, I could have sworn I saw ol' Droopy getting her ugly ass hauled out halfway through Gov. Palin's speech. I hope the riot cops saved one of those fire extinguisher-size pepper spray canisters just for her. What a bitch. UPDATE (Post-McCain): More Pinkos try to shout down McCain, get dragged off and hopefully force-fed an arrest warrant attached to the business end of a nightstick. McCain's speech started slow but finished strong. Side note - dug the use of Heart's "Barracuda" as a post-speech musical nod to the VP pick. Apparently the commenters over at CNN didn't. To a question as searingly stupid as "has anyone asked Heart if they endorse this campaign?," I respond, did anyone ask Brooks & Dunn the same before Barack played "Only in America" at the end of his convention? Though Kix Brooks doesn't seem to mind, the answer is no. The RNC just played "Centerfield" by John Fogerty too, and I'm pretty sure that guy isn't voting Republican. It's just music. Get a grip, you freaks. |
Sep 1, 2008
History PME
That's "Professional Military Education" for those who don't speaka-da-lingo. For no good reason whatsoever - other than 'by God it oughta be done' - 0311 crunchie has put up a good breakdown of the Battle of Tarawa over at The Rott. Go check it out. UPDATE/BONUS: While rifling through crunchie's back posts, I came across this video from Dollard's place. The background music reminds me of old WWII documentaries like Victory at Sea. Consider my cockles warmed... |