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Peace through fire superiority. |
Aug 27, 2007
Sick-awesome video of the day
Frogman rocks
I watched this a couple days ago, but I've gone back to it a half-dozen times now and I keep laughing. The Dissident Frogman gives the basics on ammo to the press. (More info here.) Pay special attention to the music in the second half of the Frogman's vid. THAT is what Iraq sounds like as far as I'm concerned. That's all that the locals who drove the buses around base on Al Asad listened to ALL. THE. TIME. Well, that or the super party mix tape with Britney Spears and N'Sync... no joke. |
Fun with referral logs
Whoever asked Google, "Fired? Can I still get into Marines?" and somehow got here, the answer is: that all depends. Where'd you get fired from? If it was McDonald's, you're probably okay. If it was the Army... probably not. |
Aug 22, 2007
Both the Rott and the Jawa have been banned in Iran. Me? Not so much. I'm gonna have to try harder. |
Aug 21, 2007
Oh for the luv a...
Look, just don't even make it. First you removed "the American Way" from the "truth and justice" of the new Superman movie, and now this?Will Movie Turn GI Joe Into Soldier of Fortune? - Studio Considers Downplaying American Military ConnectionsIf he ain't the "Real American Hero," then what the hell would be the point? Geez, Transformers goes platinum, and suddenly my two-decade old toy collection is hot with Hollywood. What's next? Voltron? Wait... what?... REALLY?... |
Unspeakably cool
Whatever you thought the most awesome stuff on the planet was, you were wrong. The correct answer is this:Aerogel, one of the world's lightest solids, can withstand a direct blast of 1 kilogram of dynamite and protect against heat from a blowtorch at more than 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit.All it mentions is blast damage, not frag. But if you overcome that, you've got your next-gen body armor - feather light and hard as nails. Only one problem: you can't deploy it to Iraq... Last year Anne Parmenter, a British mountaineer, climbed Mt. Everest using boots that had aerogel insoles, as well as sleeping bags padded with the material....but it should do just fine somewhere like Afghanistan in winter... |
Aug 20, 2007
Suck it
Aug 14, 2007
Holy Cow!
I can't stand the Yankees... NOW. But the Yankees THEN... my God, what incredible teams. 9 pennants and 7 World Series championships in 13 years with Rizzuto at short. Rest in peace, Scooter. You will be missed. |
Aug 9, 2007
I'd like to dedicate this one to...
Jack "Joker" Murtha. I'd call him "Pyle" but that would be an insult to all the "Pyle"s out there... Why, you may ask? Here's why. Ain't it odd how a pack of crap cooked up months after the fact by a reporter and a bunch of possibly enemy affiliated, completely unconfirmable "witnesses" was swallowed whole by a US Congressman and Sorry, sir, but while scenes like this are common in the movies, it just don't happen that way. Hate to disappoint... UPDATE: Raven said in the comments that she was going to call the good Congressman's office and ask about when that apology was going to be issued. She wasn't the only one. I hope she actually got an answer, unlike Bryan. |
Aug 8, 2007
Made it
Checked in. Got a preview of the new job. Not what I was looking for, and nowhere near what I was expecting. May or may not suck. Still much too early to determine... I've got three (yes THREE) check-in sheets that will probably take until the end of next week to get filled out by all the proper cats and dogs. House issues galore. If you thought I was pissed at my loan agent, I'd love - LOVE - to vent my spleen about the person who the sold me the house. I won't, only because there may be pending legal action. Long story short: full disclosure means FULL disclosure. The words "as is" do not absolve you as a seller from telling me as a buyer what's jacked up about the property. And it ain't like she didn't know all the ins and outs... she's a real estate agent. I remember thinking early on when I found out the seller was an agent that this would either go smooth as silk or I'd get bent over. Apparently it was door #2. Anyway, much to do and little time. Will be back when able. |