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You don't hurt 'em if you don't hit 'em. -- Chesty Puller |
Oct 29, 2007
Best Pumpkin EV.ER.
I was gonna try to do something somewhat original with my pumpkin carving this year, but screw it. I can't top this. NO ONE CAN. |
Oct 27, 2007
Unlike San Francisco...
Oct 26, 2007
Death and Taxes
Oct 24, 2007
Outside the Wire
How I missed this I don't know, as Blackfive was reviewing it way back in February apparently. It looks much like what Pat Dollard has been trying to do, but only clocks in at around an hour (whereas Dollard has said he's aiming for a mini-series that would include upwards of 20 hours of footage). "Outside the Wire" is available on video now. |
Oct 23, 2007
San Diego County looks like Dresden right now. We just left in July. Rancho Bernardo, where we lived, is now smoldering. I still have some relatives down there, but I'm assuming no news is good news, as nothing about them has filtered back to me through the family-net. And to think, when I moved out here, I was sweating hurricanes. But I suppose when you compare the responses, I still should... |
Oct 20, 2007
There's always one
Oct 19, 2007
Sux 2 B U
Rush plays roshambo with Senate Democrats. Wins in dramatic fashion. Click here for the sounds of agony, as the Majority Leader chokes and gags on every word. And no, he's not wearing his Halloween mask early to scare you... --------- Give to the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation. |
Or not...
That whole Iraq-Afghan swap for the MEF, I mentioned? Yeah... not so much...Defense Secretary Robert Gates today shot down Marine Commandant Gen. James Conway's proposal to shift Marines from Iraq to Afghanistan, which would leave the Army to handle operations in Iraq.I still stand by my MEU assessment that I made on the 11th, though. They are a "theater" asset after all - not an Iraq one. |
Oct 16, 2007
Marine Corps High?
Apparently so...Some of the first students at Chicago Public Schools' new Marine Corps Academy of Math and Science presented the colors Monday.Andy Thayer makes quite the convincing argument. "...good little soldiers, which I'm afraid we've got all too much of these days." Yeah, way too much of that soldiering type stuff going on in America. We've got less than one percent of the nation in uniform (including the reserves), we're kicking JROTC and ROTC off campuses across the country, and this yutz says there's "too much soldiering going on." But he does live in Chicago, so I sleep comfortably knowing that he must pee is pants with dread every time he drives down Lake Shore... ![]() What a tool... I wonder if Matty O' knows anything about this school? |
Oct 11, 2007
Trading Places?
Marines Press to Remove Their Forces From IraqThe Marine Corps is pressing to remove its forces from Iraq and to send marines instead to Afghanistan, to take over the leading role in combat there, according to senior military and Pentagon officials.Now that's a hell of an idea. And I can't say that a lot of Marines wouldn't like it. Not that we don't believe in the fight in Iraq, but... well... we'd like a change of scenery. I'm sure the Army would too. Marines haven't been deployed to Afghanistan in force for the last few years, but you tell me who's better prep'd for the fight: Army Mountain Warfare School is in Vermont (Vermont?). Elevation: less than 700 ft up to maybe 3,000 Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center is in California's Toiyabe National Forest. Elevation: from over 6,700 ft up to almost 12,000 You do the math. I'd bet on a MEU worming it's way in there at some point in the not too distant future to get the ball rolling. |
Oct 9, 2007
Well... it works!
Proof that the MRAP is worth every penny. I don't know all the details of the event, but however big the IED was, it reportedly tossed an 18 TON vehicle so that it landed facing the other direction. That's the engine block in the last picture, by the way. I don't know how much it weighs, but it ain't light. The only injury was the driver's busted ribs (check out the steering wheel). But everybody walked out of the truck. Ain't that the damndest thing you ever saw? |
Oct 7, 2007
Oct 6, 2007
People's Democratic Republic of Berkeley
No surprise that a Marine would be persona non-grata in a place like Berkeley, but his response to it all is a thing of beauty. Click on over. |
Must read of the day
This will end up locked away forever behind a "subscribers only" password shortly, I'm sure. So here's the whole thing, as published in The Wall Street Journal. Modern Heroes By ROBERT D. KAPLAN October 4, 2007; Page A19 I'm weary of seeing news stories about wounded soldiers and assertions of "support" for the troops mixed with suggestions of the futility of our military efforts in Iraq. Why aren't there more accounts of what the troops actually do? How about narrations of individual battles and skirmishes, of their ever-evolving interactions with Iraqi troops and locals in Baghdad and Anbar province, and of increasingly resourceful "patterning" of terrorist networks that goes on daily in tactical operations centers? |
Oct 2, 2007
Today's Stupid/Purposefully Misleading Headline
Al-Reuters, once again hard at work, white-washes the attempt by a man to walk into the US Embassy in Austria yesterday with a backpack full of hand grenades and nails: Austria seeks motive after embassy bomb scare After doing the usual kabuki dance about the Bosnian assailant having been "confused" and had been in psychiatric care in the pastthey drop a hint way down at the bottom about something else. What could it be... what could it be... The man's backpack contained a religious book typically read by Bosnian Muslims during the Ramadan fasting month.A book read by Muslims during Ramadan? Oh... what's the title of that thing? It's on the tip of my tongue. It'll come to me just give me a second... --------------- See also: the Seattle Jewish Federation building attack, the Jeep enthusiast at UNC, the DC Snipers, etc. |
Today's Must Read
The 5 Things I Saw that Make Me Support the War
Read it all. |
Oct 1, 2007
And I grinned an eeeevil grin
Maybe you've heard, maybe you haven't, but last week Abu Usama al-Tunisi - AQI scumbag of the first order - ceased converting oxygen to carbon dioxide, courtesy of the USAF. Yes, America's military, stopping Global Warming by offing naughty oxygen converters. His last missive included: "I have been surrounded in Al 'Awisat for two and a half months because the road has been closed by the Apostate, and there is no other way. Yahtzee. |
Army of wha?
Today at the exchange I spotted a toy that actually made me laugh out loud... at the Army. I wish I'd had my camera - maybe it'll still be there tomorrow and I can get a picture. It's made by the Dragon Toys company, but I couldn't find a pic on their website. Anyway, imagine, if you will, a 12 inch tall GI Joe-like fellow dressed in the new Army cammies who comes with a couple magazines. No, not M-16 magazines. More like "People" and "Sports Illustrated"... but only one inch tall. Yeah... No weapons. No war gear. Just a ruck, and "People" magazine... Hooah. |