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And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee. Power hath decended forth from thy hand so our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. |
Mar 31, 2007
The range is going cold
T.A.D. Arid. Couple weeks. Ugh. See ya when I see ya. Till then, a little taste of what I'll be seeing while I'm gone... |
Mar 30, 2007
Holy jeez...
Did you know we were already in a shootin' war with Iran? Yeah, neither did I. And not just fighting with the surrogates and taking hits from the smuggled weapons. That's a given. No, no, I'm talkin' full blown gun fight with uniformed troops...A moment later, U.S. and Iraqi forces came upon a third Iranian soldier on the Iraqi side of the border, who stood his ground. As U.S. and Iraqi soldiers approached the Iranian officer and began speaking with him, a platoon of Iranian soldiers appeared and moved to surround the coalition patrol, taking up positions on high ground. At that point, according to the Army’s statement, the Iranian captain told the U.S. and Iraqi soldiers that if they tried to leave they would be fired on. Fearing abduction by the Iranians, U.S. troops moved to go anyway, and fighting broke out. Army officials say the Iranian troops fired first with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades, and that U.S. troops fell further back into Iraqi territory, while four Iraqi army soldiers, one interpreter and one Iraqi border guard remained in the hands of the Iranians.This apparently happened about six months ago, but how in the world I missed it I'll never know. I guess because most of my attention is focused on Anbar (where all the Marines are), I'd be up to date on border incursions if they were Syrian, not Iranian. So now that they've gone and jacked those Brits, can we just go ahead and smoke the bastards? What's it gonna take? Do we need a mushroom cloud in the shape of the Ayatollah's turban before we realize that Iran is at war with us even though we're not at war with them? UPDATE: EXACTLY! That is what happened last week in the Persian Gulf. A British naval vessel and crew stood by while Iranian boats pirated away a group of British soldiers. Reports indicate that the fire power of the British ship was capable of engaging and defeating the Iranian force. Moreover, British and U.S. combatant aircraft could have reached the scene in minutes but apparently weren’t called. The Royal Navy fired not a shot. How unlike the fire of Britain’s former First Seahand, Winston Churchill, who later proclaimed: “We shall fight them on the beaches; we shall fight them on the Seas.”ABSOLUTELY go read the rest of this one. |
Mar 28, 2007
An open letter to the Commandant
Sir, As every Marine now knows, your new policy will soon be going into effect regarding tattoos. As a Marine who is tattoo-free and has no intention of getting one any time soon, my ability to get a tattoo on my lower arm after 1 April is of little concern to me. However, what does concern me is the policy itself. Once upon a time, the judge would look at a young man and say “The Marine Corps or jail. Your choice.” Those days are thankfully long gone, but the fact remains that the Corps has always prided itself on being more rough-and-tumble than the other services. Marines are supposed to be the “door kickers” - the shock troops who go forth and conquer when the mission must be accomplished at the loss of life and limb. We are born of tougher stuff. The few. The proud. At the heart of this image stands the individual Marine. Rough. Intense. Coarse. A warfighter to his very core. Like the Celts of old, he dons warpaint for battle. Like warriors throughout the ages, he sometimes adorns himself with tattoos of the victories he’s taken part in, and comrades he’s lost. In approximately 72 hours from this typing, that image will begin to slowly be put out to pasture, just like the words of that judge, in the name of protecting our “professional demeanor and the high standards America has come to expect from us.” Respectfully, sir, I think nothing could be more wrong. “The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!”Those words, spoken by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, sum up the many contradictions embodied by Marines. They are professional, while uncouth. They are destructive, while protective. They are hard, while amiable. In short, they are everything America expects them to be. Mostly, they are there when America calls, and for the most part America doesn’t much care what they look like. Marines come in every color available, but at our core, we’re all green. Over the past decades our Corps has grown better educated. In public we conduct ourselves with the utmost professionalism and respect. At war, we destroy the enemy and defend freedom. And that is what I believe America expects of us, sir. I have heard older Marines tell even older tales of Iraqis (in the Saddam era) or Koreans (both North and South) whispering in hushed tones that tattoos on a Marine were there to commemorate different individuals he had killed. Of course, these stories of the Marine as bogeyman were untrue, but not without merit in combat. Anything that makes the enemy wary to engage is worthwhile. Is losing the psychological effect that some skin ink may have on the enemy worth protecting our “professional demeanor?” I cannot answer that, but I know what psychological effect it’s having on Marines. Right now, many Marines are adding this to their own personal lists of reasons why they will not be reenlisting. It’s something small, to be sure. But at a time when retention is of the greatest importance, little things matter. The Marine Corps intends to swell its ranks by over 20,000. At the heart of this increase will be holding on to Marines who are experienced and can train the next crop of up and coming youngsters. Some of those Marines are tattooed. In fact, I’d wager a great many are. Furthermore, this policy will turn away able-bodied, willing Americans who want to join the Corps simply because they have too much ink on their arms or legs. Not because it is offensive, not because it breaks good order and discipline, not because it’s even somewhere that could be considered distracting (such as the face or neck). These policies are already in place and are not in dispute. But to tell someone who could be a brilliant leader of Marines “go away” simply because they went and got themselves inked up extensively between the elbow and wrist seems somewhat odd. While this policy may be changed by some future Commandant, as we all know, decisions a Commandant makes typically long outlast his tour of duty. They set a direction for the Corps and the Corps plows headlong on that azimuth, and that’s exactly how it should be, to my mind. But I have spoken to a few Marines who were attached to 1st Marine Division when you were the Commanding General there, sir, and they have informed me that you showed a great disdain for tattoos – basically ALL tattoos. I know it would upset a great many Marines if this policy stemmed more from your own personal dislikes rather than what might or might not be best for retention, recruitment, motivation, and professionalism. You have said that “tattoos of an excessive nature do not represent our traditional values.” With respects, sir, I think those tattoos very well represent our traditional values. They express free speech, pride, and a warrior ethos that strikes fear into the hearts of our enemies and projects the image that Americans think of when they hear the word Marine. Professional, while uncouth. Destructive, while protective. Hard, while amiable. In short, sir, we go to excess in everything we do because we ARE Marines. And while that may not need to be encouraged, I do not feel it should be stifled. Very Respectfully & Semper Fidelis, A Marine |
Mar 27, 2007
Guess what
About a week ago, one of my Marines sends me an email. We have great, world-spanning geo-political discussions around the office, and as it turns out he's big into Barack Obama. Some other Marines give him a ration of crap for this (all in good fun), but hey, that's his opinion. He's been to Iraq twice for it, so he can keep it... (Funny aside: ask him about Hillary, and it's "not just no, but HELL no"). So he shoots me what I can only assume is a form letter from the Obama website to join his campaign. Not to be outdone, I replied with an offer to join MY campaign. Names have been changed to protect the
Mar 21, 2007
I love the smell of cordite in the evening...
Found this vid via the Jawa and instantly recognized it. This is what a mixed section of Skids (1xCobra, 1xHuey) can do for ya. I recognized the footage because I know the pilots. They were from our HMLA det on my MEU in 2005. The National Guard unit they were supporting that night filmed this and then sent it to us later as a thank-you. This is only the middle two minutes of what was originally five minutes of pure beat down. Wish I'd made a copy of the original, but never did. So here ya go. Hit, Iraq, circa Nov 2005. |
Animal wrongs
My disdain for dirty hippies is rivaled only by my loathing contempt for PETA - and really damn near all animal rights activists, when you get right down to it. This is not to say that I hate God's little, fluffy forest and woodland creatures. I don't. Quite the opposite. The Wif and I have a dog, two cats, a bird, and more fish than I can count. So I'm a fan of the fuzzy bunnies... unless, of course, the bunnies must die to cure cancer or create shampoo that won't make you tear up when it gets in your eyes. Then the bunnies gotta go. But I digress... My point is, if these animal rights pukes really cared THE LEAST little bit about animals, would they actually tell you that it was better to kill one than let it live happily and healthily in a zoo? BERLIN, Germany (CNN) -- A celebrity in the animal kingdom, polar bear cub Knut is no stranger to TV cameras, visiting fans and posing for Vanity Fair photographer Annie Leibovitz.I'm pretty sure that feeding by hand wasn't "species-appropriate" for the California Condor, either, being as most condors in the wild aren't fed scraps by the kind passers by. But it seemed to work out pretty well for that species, didn't it? And if polar bears are as "on the brink" as the Goracle and his Gorbots would have us believe, isn't it important to keep this bear's DNA around for species breeding programs if nothing else? While a lot of people - myself included - think animal cruelty should be punished harshly and are happy to contribute to conservation efforts, people who support "animal rights," for the most part, are engaged in a political movement that has nothing to do with helping animals. In fact, as we can see from this example they will happily kill animals for nothing but giggles, while railing against medical researchers who do animal testing or your right to have a steak. (A quick spin around Google tells me that the guy calling for us to go "Ol' Yeller" on Knut is into the whole vegan thing as well. I'm shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!) Want more? People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or Merchants of Four-Legged Death? You make the call. And if you have about 15 minutes to spare, watch Penn & Teller call BS on the whole godawful sham that is the animal rights movement. Horrifically strong language ahead, but if you care, you'll watch it... think of the bunnies. UPDATE: It takes "courage" to off an infant polar bear, apparently. No word on if said "courage" could only be applied with a mixture of chemicals, or if you could use a club... |
Mar 19, 2007
Cheney still eeevil
But Halliburton... not so much. It may take awhile for the memos to circulate, but I'd be willing to bet that within the next month will be the LAST time you ever hear or see Halliburton mentioned by anyone in the rabid anti-war movement. Now that daddy Well, OF COURSE! Normally, I'm willing to overlook the hypocrisy of the liberal elite. If Al Gore and his Hollywood cronies want to fly around on gas-guzzling, atmosphere-polluting private jets while railing against global climate change, I'm willing to overlook it.It only borders on too much for a confessed liberal hypocricy forgiver. See? No problemo. UPDATE: Okay, I'll grant that I can't tell if the author is being serious or a wise-ass right there. And from reading some of his other stuff, it looks like he may very well be a wise-ass. But my point still stands... |
Mar 17, 2007
Merry St. Paddy's! ...and, of course, you'll need this... Oh, and a flashback. UPDATE: Any and all St. Paddy's goodness that I collect from around the web will be located below. My Bro sends his sentiments. Harvey bestows a highly coveted honor upon Matty. Grim lays down a little history. Lex says, amongst other things, watch Boondock Saints. Good call. Harvey breaks out the Fun Facts at Frank J.'s place. |
Mar 16, 2007
Why I'll be seeing "300" AT LEAST two more times
Anything that makes Iran this uncomfortable is ABSOLUTELY worth the price of admission... Because the dirty little secret is, we used to write these movies all the time. Impossible odds. Quixotic causes. Death before surrender. Real all-American stuff, in which our heroes stood up for God and country and defending Princess Leia and getting back home to see their wives and children, with their shields or on them. |
Mar 15, 2007
Self-propelled dhimmitude in action
It's your "political correctness leading us down the road to hell" moment of the day, and it's a doozy. It's a move so stupid, that even Muslims can't believe it.The story of the Three Little Pigs' battle with the Big Bad Wolf has delighted children since it was written more than 150 years ago. But the tale highlighting the merits of hardwork and practicality has become the latest to fall victim to political correctness. A junior school production of the children's story has been renamed the Three Little Puppies for fear of offending Muslims.WOW. That's… WOW. I've been quite literally knocked speechless from the stupid. Meanwhile, your "non-shocker of the day"... |
Mar 11, 2007
![]() Just got back from "300." Awesome. I would write a better review, but Ragnar apparently wrote it yesterday for me. Very thoughtful of him. UPDATE:Million dollar quote from the director. |
Mar 7, 2007
Subliminal messaging?
So maybe I'm reading too much into this. And maybe I'm not the right guy to bitch because I don't read a lot of comic books (or really ANY, for that matter). And to top it all off, as we all know, I'm a Batman guy. But this strikes me as just the most underhanded slap in the face that the guys at Marvel could take at the country that has given them a voice to write comics in the first place:Captain America has undertaken his last mission — at least for now. The venerable superhero is killed in the issue of his namesake comic that hit stands Wednesday, the Daily News reported.Yes, you read that right: THEY KILLED CAPTAIN AMERICA. (That would be bad enough, but then MessNBC goes one better with the headline "Death to America". Nice.) Now, I know how comics work, and I know that storylines don't necessarily carry over from one series to the next, and I know that comic writers will retcon the daylights out of stuff to bring characters back to life or change their origins, or whatever. Hell, they did it with Superman even. But I gotta agree with 93 year old Joe Simon who co-created "Cap" with Jack Kirby in 1941: "We really need him now." Apparently, this all makes a very bold statement on personal freedoms, and the Patriot Act, and 9/11, and... whatever… I think it's anti-American BS, and if they bring Cap back to life he'll inevitably be some tortured soul who doesn't bleed red, white, and blue anymore and is more likely to search for international approval before taking any action - ever. Kinda like this guy. Of course, in this most recent incarnation, he may have kinda been leaning that way anyway. The point is, I can't think of any other country - any other culture - so willing to destroy it's own heroes. Even the fictional ones. I promise you the enemy doesn't kill off HIS heroes in HIS cartoons. Of course, given the nature of our current enemies, I could be wrong... |
Mar 6, 2007
1stLt Jared Landaker
1stLt Jared Landaker was at the controls of a CH-46 in Iraq one month ago when it was shot down by the enemy, killing him, four other Marines, and two Corpsmen. The following was written by Stuart Witt, a former F-14 pilot, and manager of the Mojave Airport/Spaceport (thanks to the flight of SpaceShipOne) who witnessed "J-Rod"'s final flight home. Don't know how long this link will last, so here's the whole thing.Feb. 17, 2007, 0350 curbside at 24th and M, Washington DC. 16 degrees with a light breeze. Going home after my second week of freezing temps. Fly my aircraft, ride a horse, climb a mountain and get back to living. I'm tired of the cold.----------------------------------- "...we are a military at war, not a nation at war." Sound familiar? Lt Landaker's MySpace Page Jared Landaker Tribute at MySpace Marine Corps Times story on fallen warriors' "cyber-memorials" |