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War is the remedy our enemies have chosen, and I say give them all they want. -- William Tecumseh Sherman |
Nov 29, 2004
How cool would THIS be!?
Congress may pull the plug on $1.12 Billion that America gives to the U.N. annually, roughly ONE QUARTER of the United Nations' funding.
Check it out. hat tip LGF |
Paging Sam
...because I KNOW you're still out there. You can't resist. You love it here, admit it.
You might want to go read what Harvey has to say about you. It's actually quite complementary... in a backhanded, knocked upside the head kinda way... |
Nov 24, 2004
Of hobbies, blogs, and wild animals
My dental health is atrocious. I've almost got base dental on speed-dial these days. The "Naval Medical Hobby Shop," as Smokin calls it.
But that is not the point of this post. The point of this post is that as I left dental this morning, I actually backed my car up and stopped to read the bumper sticker again... the bumper sticker that said Ninja monkeys are meeting as we speak, plotting my demise.I wrote it down... it was that funny to me. Then I thought of ninjas and monkeys which immediately conjured up an image of Frank J. Then I focused more on the monkey part. Lagmonkey, to be more specific. So go tell Libbo welcome back to blogging (though he makes it difficult by having a forum, vice comments. Your call, Libbo... I'm just sayin' is all...). It's doubtful any of you noticed he left in the first place... he was a little upset by that I guess... let's NOT let that happen again, folks. He's funny, he blogs, he plays video games like it's his job, and he was a Marine. How can ya go wrong? So, at least go read the Adventures of Mini-Ermey until he gets the ball rolling. Again. And then go read the "Airborne Interstellar Simian," because with all this talk of "monkeys" he'll bitch about it if I don't give him a plug... Happy Turkey Day everybody! |
Nov 23, 2004
During the Korean War...
In the rear of the action, in an R&R area there were two seperate camps. The first was a well equipped U.S. Army camp that served high quality hot food and had warm sleeping areas. The other was a shabby collection of second-hand tents with poor quality services available to the war-weary Marines.from the Fall/Winter 2004 issue of "The Log Book - Newsletter of the Flying Leatherneck Historical Foundation" UPDATE: CASE IN POINT, as provided by The Crowe. This is a MUST READ... I shit you not. |
Nov 22, 2004
Like I was saying...
As has been pointed out by bloggers far superior to the likes of me...
In Fallujah, where U.S. Marines and soldiers are still battling pockets of resistance, insurgents waved a white flag of surrender before opening fire on U.S. troops and causing casualties...As has been further pointed out... On one particularly grim night, a group of marines from Bravo Company's First Platoon turned a corner in the darkness and headed up an alley. As they did so, they came across men dressed in uniforms worn by the Iraqi National Guard. The uniforms were so perfect that they even carried pieces of red tape and white, the signal agreed upon to assure American soldiers that any Iraqis dressed that way would be friendly; the others could be killed.I have little further to say on the issue of the now famous 'dead insurgent' and the Marine who made him that way. Instead, I refer you to the man who said this: Many will argue that the actions of this Marine were neither Honorable or Courageous. I beg to differ. He had the courage and honor to do what he felt he had to do to protect himself and his Brothers from the enemy. He had the commitment to follow through on his training and eliminate the enemy.On the political spectrum, Deuddersun and I sit about as far apart as you could probably get. But when it comes to the Corps, we are of one mind. Wanna know what I think on this issue? Go ask him. |
Nov 20, 2004
Making sense of it all
From Grim:
Indeed it does, my friend.On the Fallujah side of the bridge where the Americans were hung there is some Arabic writing on the bridge. An interpreter translated it for me as we walked through. It read: "Long Live the Mujahadeen. Fallujah is the Graveyard for Americans and the end of the Marine Corps."You may remember a story from earlier this week about a message the 3/5 Marines left on that bridge:This is for the Americans of Blackwater that were murdered here in 2004.Now it all makes perfect sense. ...And I wouldn't worry too much about that Devil Dog that capped an unarmed enemy inside that mosque. Even if he does some brig time, I guaran-damn-tee you it's preferable to the option that had him and members of his squad torn to pieces because the fakin' little rat bastard was holding on to one last grenade for Allah. UPDATE: Just in case anybody wanted a little deeper look into the situation leading up to 5.56 FMJ being propelled through that terrorist scumbag, READ THIS. |
Nov 19, 2004
Wicked Sweet: Part Deux
I can't even imagine the kind of patience it takes to create a cartoon war out of... well, you've gotta see it for yourself (just hit the "clicky" button to make it start). Then when you're done, if you are a hard-core Star Wars fan (like me... not the crappy new ones though...) check THIS out. hat tip to my favorite Primate Astronaut |
Nov 17, 2004
That is wicked sweet...
Just go here and download the"Flying Tank" video...
Trust me. hat tip to The School of Comparative Irrelevance |
Shifting focus momentarily
Prying my eyes away from Iraq for a moment and looking at the PACOM AOR, it would seem that "the Jonger" has gone even deeper into reclusion.
Apparently, the "Dear Leader" of North Korea has gone into a huge funk over the death of his favorite stripper/mistress - I am not making this up. However, it will cheer you to know that he took the news of W's election victory even harder... but I digress. She also happens to have fathered two of his kids including the most likely heir to the This has caused a great many strange things to take place in the land that prosperity forgot, mainly the smiling visage of the little hand grenade with the bad haircut (that's NOT Ross Perot) can NO LONGER be seen on every street corner north of the 38th parallel. Very odd indeed, for a land that patterns itself on Uncle Joe Stalin's model of putting the boss's picture up everydamnwhere. "Getting rid of portraits is a very serious gesture. Portraits of Kim Jong-il are different from, say, a portrait of a head of state somewhere else. If you're starting to get rid of icons it means that something is wrong with your god."Now, I don't pretend to know the intricacies of what goes on in the North Korean mind, but strange things are afoot at the Circle K... A North Korean diplomatic source in Beijing denied the reports about the portraits, telling Russia's Interfax news agency that "everything remains the same in Pyongyang."But the cult of personality is a little see-through on some of this stuff. There was no public funeral, but North Koreans noticed that extravagant praise for a figure called Omonim ("respected mother") had vanished from propaganda documents.And it gets wierder... In Seoul, a government intelligence analyst reported that in recent days North Korea's state radio had shifted one catch phrase from "Kim Jong Il, ruling according to the Kim Il Sung legacy" to simply "Ruling by Kim Il Sung."So now the DEAD GUY is in charge? WTF is goin' on over there!? Some folks speculate that the Jonger is getting ready to name his successor. Others say the pictures are "just out at the cleaners." I say the guy's a nut-ball, either way. What say you? |
Nov 14, 2004
Right click and save this link.Then watch American forces unleash some fury on terrorist punks. Then go to the Donovan's place and thank him for the link. Thatisall. UPDATE: "This is for the Americans of Blackwater that were murdered here in 2004.Hat tip to the Castle Argghhh! and SondraK. |
Nov 13, 2004
The headline we should have seen in April
1,200 Insurgents Killed in Fallujah
A righteous can of whoop-ass has been opened and poured all over the streets of that place. Sadly, we count over two dozen of our own among the dead, along with 7 Iraqis. And while Zarqawi hasn't been found (it's up for grabs if he was still even in town when this whole thing started), we've killed 30 of his closest amigos. This is what Marines do: kill people and break things. "So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but Peace..." (By the way, somebody please tell the press that when they look like THIS, they're Marines not soldiers.) |
Nov 11, 2004
"The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month"
Thank you Dad, Uncle Pat, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Annie, Uncle Robert, Uncle Carlton, Uncle Larry, Grandpa, Grandad, Grandmother, Great-Grandpa, and all the rest down the line back to the Civil War (and maybe some before that I can't remember) for giving me the chance to live in this great nation of freedom today. |
Nov 10, 2004
Nov 7, 2004
"You're all in the process of making history," Kent [Sgt. Maj. Carlton W. Kent, top enlisted Marine in Iraq] told a crowd of some 2,500 Marines. "This is another Hue city in the making. I have no doubt, if we do get the word, that each and every one of you is going to do what you have always done — kick some butt." |
Nov 5, 2004
Bring out yer dead!
Just for you good folks, I managed to sneak a bug into Yasser Arafat's hospital room. I'm getting some good intel from it so far. For instance, this snippet of conversation between Yasser and some PLO underlings.
2330z>> Arafat's final words... UPDATE: 2355z>> French doctors work feverishly to revive the comatose Arafat. |
Nov 3, 2004
What is best in life?
TO CRUSH YOUR ENEMIES, SEE THEM DRIVEN BEFORE YOU, AND HEAR THE LAMENTATION OF THEIR WOMEN! Yeeahhh, buddy. It's over. Biggest loser? Edwards. Think about it - he's the only guy in this thing who lost TWICE (first the primary, and now for VP). Ginormous loser? George Soros. Guess he'll have to go live in that monastery now... he's broke. Who else will be moving to new digs? Alec Baldwin, perhaps? We can always hope. I had intended to do a whole long list of the Hollywood suckers that promised to leave the country, but somebody beat me to it.... Do you think they'll have the ballsack to get up and actually GO this time, instead of playing it off like last time by saying Bush didn't really win? Whatever... Hey, Alec - your vote, my vote, samey same. You don't carry any more weight than me bud, so stuff it. I take that back... you DO carry more weight... around your ass... and your jowls... Have a plastic surgeon look at that will ya? Now pardon me while I go listen to the sweet sounds of a political party kicking itself in the nuts and wondering why it's having trouble breathing. Follow me to LGF for a laugh. Here's a teaser: "Howard Dean for DNC Chair." oh please oh please oh please |
Nov 2, 2004
I don't know what to say...
With everything that's going on in the world today, and the large political distraction occurring right at this very moment, it's stuff like this that brings it all into focus.
![]() That's William and Madison from Savannah, Georgia. Their mom Paulette sent this to me just to say thanks. Though I feel unworthy, I am truly honored. Thank YOU. |